3,162 research outputs found

    Continuation of homoclinic orbits in the suspension bridge equation: a computer-assisted proof

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    In this paper, we prove existence of symmetric homoclinic orbits for the suspension bridge equation u""+ÎČu"+eu−1=0u""+\beta u" + e^u-1=0 for all parameter values ÎČ∈[0.5,1.9]\beta \in [0.5,1.9]. For each ÎČ\beta, a parameterization of the stable manifold is computed and the symmetric homoclinic orbits are obtained by solving a projected boundary value problem using Chebyshev series. The proof is computer-assisted and combines the uniform contraction theorem and the radii polynomial approach, which provides an efficient means of determining a set, centered at a numerical approximation of a solution, on which a Newton-like operator is a contraction.Comment: 37 pages, 6 figure


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    Environmental changes and genetic variations are two important drivers of biological diversity. In complex traits, a multitude of genetic and environmental factors interact and combine in cryptic ways to direct the phenotypic variation. Sleep is a classic illustration of a complex trait that is vital and heritable but still poorly understood. Many aspects of sleep like the timing, duration and quality are regulated by the interaction of two processes: the circadian oscillations and the sleep homeostasis. In the context of a study that aimed at uncovering more clearly the molecular pathways regulating the sleep homeostat through the ambiguous relationship that exists between sleep- wake cycle and metabolism, we built, assembled, analyzed an extensive multi-scaled dataset using the systems genetics design. Machine learning algorithms and novel high-throughput sequencing technology permit to appraise more precisely and broadly the plethora of physiological and molecular phenotypes that contribute to sleep under disparate circumstances and genetic background, in order to build novel hypotheses based on data-driven discoveries. This dataset is composed of 33 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) from the BXD panel that were interrogated under sleep deprivation and undisturbed conditions for 341 sleep-wake related physiological phenotypes, 124 blood plasma metabolites, and cortical and liver transcriptomics. First analyses pointed out the pervasive effects of sleep deprivation and genetics both at the molecular and behavioral level and the complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors at all phenotypic layers. Then, two novel integrative methods were developed, the first to prioritize candidate genes within large associated genomic regions for physiological or metabolic phenotypes and the second to visualize the meta-dimensionality of the molecular network using the deterministic structure of hiveplots. Our findings led to the discovery of a bidirectional relationship between fatty acid turnover and sleep homeostasis but also between brain slow-waves activity and ionotropic glutamate receptor transport. Using markup language and cloud-based technologies, we aimed at transforming this resourceful, multidisciplinary dataset into an exploitable digital research object. The generation of dynamic analysis reports and workflow metadata promoted the reproducibility this data-object. In addition, tools were developed for the exploration and mining of integrated data. The resulting database and associated web interface ensures the reusability of this dataset and associated methodologies. -- La diversitĂ© biologique est dirigĂ©e par deux opĂ©rateurs importants, les changements environnementaux ainsi que les variations gĂ©nĂ©tiques. Pour les traits dits complexe, leur variation est le fruit de nombreux facteurs gĂ©nĂ©tiques et environnementaux qui vont interagir et se combiner, souvent de maniĂšre cryptique. Le sommeil est un exemple-type de trait complexe, il est vital et hĂ©ritable mais fondamentalement mĂ©connu. La rĂ©gulation de nombreux aspects du sommeil comme sa durĂ©e, timing ou qualitĂ© fait intervenir deux processus : les oscillations circadiennes et l’homĂ©ostasie du sommeil. Afin de mieux cerner les voies qui rĂ©gulent le mĂ©canisme d’homĂ©ostasie du sommeil, en particulier celle mĂȘlant le mĂ©tabolisme, nous avons crĂ©Ă©, assemblĂ© et analysĂ© un grand set de donnĂ©es en utilisant une approche dite de gĂ©nĂ©tique des systĂšmes. Avec l’aide d’algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique et de nouvelles technologies de sĂ©quençage Ă  haut-dĂ©bit, nous avons pu mesurer dans des conditions et contextes gĂ©nĂ©tiques diffĂ©rents de nombreux phĂ©notypes molĂ©culaires ou physiologiques qui contribuent Ă  la rĂ©gulation du sommeil. Notre approche Ă©tant ainsi principalement axĂ©e sur la construction d’hypothĂšse guidĂ©e par les donnĂ©es. Ce set est composĂ© de 33 lignĂ©es de souris consanguines recombinantes (BXD) dont on a examinĂ©, dans des conditions de privation de sommeil et de contrĂŽle : 341 phĂ©notypes physiologiques liĂ©s au sommeil et Ă  l’éveil, 124 mĂ©tabolites du plasma sanguin, ainsi que leur transcriptome du cortex et du foie. Les premiĂšres analyses ont pointĂ© l’effet aigu de la privation de sommeil, de la gĂ©nĂ©tique ainsi que leur interaction sur tous les niveaux de phĂ©notypes. Ensuite, deux nouvelles mĂ©thodes d’intĂ©gration ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©es, la premiĂšre pour prioritiser les gĂšnes opĂ©rateurs du sommeil et du mĂ©tabolisme Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de grande rĂ©gion gĂ©nomique, la deuxiĂšme pour visualiser la mĂ©ta-dimensionalitĂ© des donnĂ©es molĂ©culaires via une structure de ‘hiveplot’. Nous avons mis en avant une relation bidirectionnelle entre les modifications d’acides gras et l’homĂ©ostasie du sommeil, ainsi que l’activitĂ© des ondes lentes du cerveau et le transport de rĂ©cepteur au glutamate ionotropique. En utilisant le langage de balisage ainsi que des technologies basĂ©es sur le cloud, nous avons cherchĂ© Ă  transformer ce jeu de donnĂ©es en un objet de recherche numĂ©rique. La reproductibilitĂ© de cet objet a Ă©tĂ© amĂ©liorĂ©e par la gĂ©nĂ©ration de rapports d'analyse dynamiques ainsi que de mĂ©tadonnĂ©es. De plus, des outils ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s pour l'exploration et l'extraction de donnĂ©es via une interface web et assurent ainsi la rĂ©utilisation de ce set et de ces mĂ©thodologies associĂ©es

    Expressiveness of SHACL Features

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    SHACL is a W3C-proposed schema language for expressing structural constraints on RDF graphs. Recent work on formalizing this language has revealed a striking relationship to description logics. SHACL expressions can use four fundamental features that are not so common in description logics. These features are zero-or-one path expressions; equality tests; disjointness tests; and closure constraints. Moreover, SHACL is peculiar in allowing only a restricted form of expressions (so-called targets) on the left-hand side of inclusion constraints. The goal of this paper is to obtain a clear picture of the impact and expressiveness of these features and restrictions. We show that each of the four features is primitive: using the feature, one can express boolean queries that are not expressible without using the feature. We also show that the restriction that SHACL imposes on allowed targets is inessential, as long as closure constraints are not used

    Thymidine kinase and thymidylate synthase in advanced breast cancer: response to tamoxifen and chemotherapy

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    Thymidylate synthase (TS) is a crucial target for 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in the de novo pathway of pyrimidine synthesis, which is necessary for DNA synthesis. Thymidine kinase (TK) plays a key role in the complementary or alternative salvage pathway of pyrimidine synthesis in acute or pathological tissue stress. In the present study, the activity levels of TS and TK were determined in 257 primary breast tumors of patients who received tamoxifen as first-line systemic therapy after diagnosis of advanced disease. In 155 (60%) responding patients, the median response duration was 23 months for tumors with low TK activity, 15 months for tumors with intermediate TK activity, and 13 months for tumors with high TK activity (P = 0.003). In Cox multivariate analysis corrected for classical predictive factors including estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor, patients with intermediate and high levels of TK activity in their tumors showed a rapid disease progression (P = 0.0002) and an early death (P = 0.002) after start of tamoxifen treatment. Tumor TS activity levels were not significantly associated with the efficacy of tamoxifen treatment. In 121 patients who became resistant to tamoxifen or additional endocrine treatments and who received 5-FU-containing polychemotherapy, tumor TK activity was not significantly related to the efficacy of chemotherapy. Of the 13 patients with low tumor TS activity, only 1 (8%) responded favorably, whereas 46% (43 of 93) of those with intermediate and 73% (11 of 15) of those with high TS activity responded (P = 0.001). In Cox multivariate regression analysis in which TS was the only significant variable, intermediate and high TS activities were associated with a slow disease progression (P = 0.005) and prolonged survival (P = 0.016) on chemotherapy. In conclusion, for patients with recurrent breast cancer, high tumor TK activity is a significant marker of poor clinical outcome on tamoxifen therapy. Elevated tumor TS activity predicts a favorable outcome for 5-FU-containing polychemotherapy when applied after tumor progression on endocrine therapy

    Die Generation Y : Arbeitnehmer der Zukunft. Herausforderungen fĂŒr das Personalmanagement

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    Die Generation der ab den 1980er Jahren Geborenen, genannt Generation Y, tritt seit einiger Zeit als Arbeitnehmer in die ArbeitsmĂ€rkte ein. Im Jahr 2020 wird diese Gruppe die HĂ€lfte der Arbeitnehmer in der Bundesrepublik ausmachen. Lebensstil, Globalisierung, kulturelles und mediales Angebot fĂŒhren bei dieser Generation auch in der Arbeitswelt zu anderen Erwartungen und AnsprĂŒchen als dies bei vorherigen Generationen der Fall war. In Literatur und Studien wird diese Generation fast ausschließlich als selbstbewusst, ehrgeizig, aufstrebend, sozial engagiert und mobil beschrieben. Vor dem Hintergrund des zu erwartenden FachkrĂ€ftemangels widmet sich diese Arbeit unter anderem der Frage, mit welchen Instrumenten das Personalmanagement der Unternehmen auf diese Situation reagieren kann, um bei der Gewinnung und Bindung von Mitarbeitern erfolgreich zu sein
