305 research outputs found

    A perioperatív medicina szülészeti aspektusai

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    Napjainkban a világon a leggyakrabban végzett sebészi beavatkozás a császármetszés. Alapvető feltétel, hogy a műtétet szövődménymentesen lehessen végezni és a gyermekágyasok gyors posztoperatív felépülése biztosítható legyen, hiszen az anya–újszülött kapcsolatot már a műtét napján lehetővé kell tenni. A császármetszések mortalitása az elmúlt évtizedekben lényegesen csökkent, ez jelentős teammunka eredménye, valamint köszönhető a széles körben elterjedt gerincközeli érzéstelenítő eljárásoknak. A perinatológusteam tagja a szülészen és a neonatológuson kívül az aneszteziológus is, aki a páciens perioperatív ellátásáért felel. A szövődmények megelőzésének és korai eredményes kezelésének a feltétele, hogy az aneszteziológus már a terhesség során ismerkedjék meg a várandós nő állapotával, hogy megtervezhesse a perioperatív ellátást. A szerzők ismertetik a nagy kockázatú szülőnők csoportjait, a leggyakoribb anyai halálokokat és a preventív, valamint terápiás lehetőségeket. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(29), 1147–1151. | Recently the most frequently applied surgical procedure worldwide has been Cesarean section. It is essential to perform the operation without any complication. In addition, a fast postoperative recovery must be provided, because all mothers must have the chance for being together with their newborn infant even on the first day. The maternal mortality rates of Cesarean section significantly decreased in the last decades due to the planned team work as well as the widely applied regional (spinal and epidural) anesthetic procedures. Apart from the obstetrician and neonatologist the anesthesiologist is the member of the perinatal team, too, who is responsible for the patient’s perioperative care. To prevent complications and have an early successful treatment the anesthesiologist should be informed by the pregnant woman’ s health status in time in order to be able to plan the perioperative management. The high-risk groups of pregnant women, the most common causes of maternal death and possibilities of prevention and treatment are discussed. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(29), 1147–1151

    The economic and political consequences of the activity of the Bajnai-government

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    The international financial and real economy crisis reached Hungary in the autumn of 2008. The crisis made the completion of the state budget and the convergence for the year 2009 very difficult and the continuation of the program according to the plan because the economic recession spoilt the budget After Gyurcsany Fcrcnc's resignation, on 16 April, 2009, the new government was established led by Bajnai Gordon. The main task of the Bajnai-government was to carry out the 20 billion Euros credit conditions receiving it from the IMF and the EU, so despite of the 6-7% economical reduction of the year 2009. which meant that the GDP-proportional budget deficit should stay under 4% in the years of 2009 and 2010, too. The Bajnai-govemment reduced the budget expenditures with 400 billion HUF in 2009, and in 2010 reduced with 900 billion HUF. and started to rationalize the tax system

    Synthesis of Spinel Ferrites in Radiofrequency Thermal Plasma Reactor

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    Formation of nanosized zinc-ferrites and nickel-zinc ferrites from iron- and zinc oxide powders and corresponding nitrate solutions, respectively, was studied in RF thermal plasma conditions. The products were characterized for chemical composition, phase conditions, particle size distribution, morphologies and saturation magnetization. Effects of synthesis conditions on properties of products were studied in details

    Renewal of a Housing District from the sixties in Budapest

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    At the time of its construction the housing estate JĂłzsef Attila (1956-1963) in Budapest was a sample project (installation, interior spaces, new structures and materials) which has been obsoleted in the last 50 years. After winning the architectural and urban competition using open-minded architectural thinking that can make the housing estate a new role model again - increasing existing values and give new ones, the paper presents the principles of design which could be standard for neighborhoods of similar history

    Collinearity Diagnostics for Complex Survey Data

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    Survey data are often used to fit models. The values of covariates used in modeling are not controlled as they might be in an experiment. Thus, collinearity among the covariates is an inevitable problem in the analysis of survey data. Although many books and articles have described the collinearity problem and proposed strategies to understand, assess and handle its presence, the survey literature has not provided appropriate diagnostic tools to evaluate its impact on the regression estimation when the survey complexities are considered. The goal of this research is to extend and adapt the conventional ordinary least squares collinearity diagnostics to complex survey data when a linear model or generalized linear model is used. In this dissertation we have developed methods that generally have either a model-based or design-based interpretation. We assume that an analyst uses survey-weighted regression estimators to estimate both underlying model parameters (assuming a correctly specified model) and census-fit parameters in the finite population. Diagnostics statistics, variance inflation factors (VIFs), condition indexes and variance decomposition proportions are constructed to evaluate the impact of collinearity and determine which variables are involved. Survey weights are components of the diagnostic statistics and the estimated variances of the coefficients are obtained from design-consistent estimators which account for complex design features, e.g. clustering and stratification. Illustrations of these methods are given using data from a survey of mental health organizations and a household survey of health and nutrition. We demonstrate that specialized collinearity diagnostic statistics are needed to account for survey weights and complex finite population features that are reflected in the sample design and considered in the regression analysis
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