University of Szeged

University of Szeged
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    61966 research outputs found

    The meaning of social resilience: interdisciplinary status or a new viewpoint?

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    In recent decades, resilience has risen in economic and social sciences, especially after the worldwide financial and pandemic crises. According to the interdisciplinary status, several points of view about resilience are not precisely defined in the studies. Furthermore, resilience indicators are very diverse, and no standard agreeable indicator is set in economic or sociological studies. At the same time, it is arguable whether it needs any proper indicator set. This paper considers the social and economic indicator set of the studies of the last couple of years to cluster them and analyse the meaning of social resilience from a sociological and economic point of view. Based on the analysis, the study’s results aim to enlighten the role of social resilience in the current economic and sociological studies and search for the answer to the following question: Is resilience a new interdisciplinary way or 'just' a unique viewpoint in current social sciences and economics

    Musical writing, music composition at an elementary level : [abstract]

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    Measuring classroom music motivation based on the self-determination theory : [abstract]

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    A pentaton skálák szerepe a jazz-improvizációban

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    Összefoglaló visszatekintés dr. Szeghy Endre művészetére születésének 125. évfordulóján

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    Beliefs of general classroom and music specialist teachers in Hungarian primary schools regarding the development of musical abilities in children : [abstract]

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