257 research outputs found

    Neuro-Fuzzy Control Technique in Hybrid Power Filter for Power Quality Improvement in a Three-Phase Three-Wire Power System

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    Hybrid power filters have proven to play a vital role in harmonic elimination as well as reactive power compensation in power systems concentrated with highly nonlinear loads which has in the last decade increased due to industrial automation and use of power converters based systems in industries and our homes. This paper presents an approach to hybrid shunt active filter for compensating voltage/current harmonics in a three phase three wire system. It is a combination of a shunt C-type high-pass filter in parallel with an active filter controlled by a Neuro-fuzzy controller. The C-type will help to reduce component rating for active filter and suppress the overall filter resonance while active filter compensate for the low order harmonics.  A three phase converter supplying highly inductive load has been chosen as a typical nonlinear load for which a shunt hybrid power filter comprising of a shunt C-type high pass passive  filter and a shunt active filter is employed to improve the power quality at the source end. Extensive simulation has been carried out and results obtained from the proposed approach gives comparatively better total harmonic distortion (THD) value. Key words: Power Quality, Shunt Power Filter, C-type filter, Neuro-Fuzzy Controller, Total Harmonic distortion (THD)

    Marine eutrophication review. Part 1: Quantifying the effects of nitrogen enrichment on phytoplankton in coastal ecosystems; Part 2: Bibliography with abstracts

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    Professionals who are responsible for coastal environmental and natural resource planning and management have a need to become conversant with new concepts designed to provide quantitative measures of the environmental benefits of natural resources. These amenities range from beaches to wetlands to clean water and other assets that normally are not bought and sold in everyday markets. At all levels of government — from federal agencies to townships and counties — decisionmakers are being asked to account for the costs and benefits of proposed actions. To non-specialists, the tools of professional economists are often poorly understood and sometimes inappropriate for the problem at hand. This handbook is intended to bridge this gap. The most widely used organizing tool for dealing with natural and environmental resource choices is benefit-cost analysis — it offers a convenient way to carefully identify and array, quantitatively if possible, the major costs, benefits, and consequences of a proposed policy or regulation. The major strength of benefit-cost analysis is not necessarily the predicted outcome, which depends upon assumptions and techniques, but the process itself, which forces an approach to decision-making that is based largely on rigorous and quantitative reasoning. However, a major shortfall of benefit-cost analysis has been the difficulty of quantifying both benefits and costs of actions that impact environmental assets not normally, nor even regularly, bought and sold in markets. Failure to account for these assets, to omit them from the benefit-cost equation, could seriously bias decisionmaking, often to the detriment of the environment. Economists and other social scientists have put a great deal of effort into addressing this shortcoming by developing techniques to quantify these non-market benefits. The major focus of this handbook is on introducing and illustrating concepts of environmental valuation, among them Travel Cost models and Contingent Valuation. These concepts, combined with advances in natural sciences that allow us to better understand how changes in the natural environment influence human behavior, aim to address some of the more serious shortcomings in the application of economic analysis to natural resource and environmental management and policy analysis. Because the handbook is intended for non-economists, it addresses basic concepts of economic value such as willingness-to-pay and other tools often used in decision making such as costeffectiveness analysis, economic impact analysis, and sustainable development. A number of regionally oriented case studies are included to illustrate the practical application of these concepts and techniques

    Development of smart controller model for dual fuel generator systems

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    Application of dual fuel powered electric generators such as one of diesel and biogas has gained popularity locally both as emergency power supply units and in distributed power systems. Dual fuel generators use two fuel types simultaneously in their operations. This is however faced with challenges in control and fuel regulation since their operation must be economically feasible and convenient. To achieve this, an intelligent controller that regulates generator operations is necessary. This research work, set to determine operation characteristic of these generators and fuel‐load relationship of the dual fuel engines in order to design a control system for a dual fuel power generator system. Generator characteristics such as fuel consumption on various loads were obtained through experiments; it was found that injection of biogas in diesel engine saves diesel consumption by approximately 30% on low load and 60% on high load. The presented model switches the generator when needed and adjusts biogas inlet in steps proportional to the load. It works by monitoring load, injecting a small volume of biogas for loads below 10% and increasing it as the load increases to maximum possible volume for load above 80%. The model was tested through simulation of the obtained data on a Siemens ™ micro Logic controller demonstrating a solution to control challenges. This model logic for control and offers advanced logic electronic control for local applications. It is essential in providing a versatile solution for a middle sized diesel biogas dual fuel power generator control

    Factors Affecting The Achievement Of The Student's Learning Outcomes Faculty Of Public Health During Online Learning During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is a global health threat with the highest number of deaths. Government efforts to disrupt the chain of transmission of Covid-19 by implementing online learning. The shift in teaching methods from face-to-face to online lectures has an impact on student performance. The aim of this study is to describe the factors related to student performance at the Faculty of Public Health during the online lecture during the COVID-19 pandemic. This type of research is descriptive. The population in this study were students from the Faculty of Public Health in semester IV and VI who had given face-to-face lectures as well as online lectures with a total sample of 85 people in a stratified random sample. the result showed that the lerning performance of the student of faculty of public health in online lectures increased with the learning motivation of the students in the middle category namely 81 people (95.2%).  The family factor for online lectures was in the middle range, namely 51 people (65%). The students learning facilities are in the high category, namely 74 people (87%), while the students with facilities in the lower category are 5 people (5.88%).  Instructor suggestion can improve service quality during online lectures to improve student performance

    Hygiene, Sanitation, and The Contents of Escherichia coli in Ice Cubes at Pasar Malam Kampung Solor, Kupang

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    Ice cubes are complementary food products that are added to drinks to make them cool and refreshing and are also in great demand by the public. Therefore, the ice cube production process must also meet food safety for the sake of public health. The research design used descriptive observation, to describe or provide an overview of the hygiene and sanitation of ice cube processing, as well as the bacteriological content of ice cubes produced by households at Pasar Malam Kampung Solor by conducting the Most probable Number (MPN) Escherichia coli test. The sample used the purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques using interviews and observation. The results of this study indicate that the hygiene and sanitation of ice cube processing for the home industry at Pasar Malam Kampung Solor have not met the requirements, seen from the use of raw water, the behavior of handlers, equipment, and unhygienic processing methods. The results of laboratory examinations found that 50% of the ice cube samples were negative and 50% of the ice cube samples were positive containing Escherichia coli bacteria with levels of Escherichia coli bacteria, namely 20 MPN/100 ml and 240 MPN/100 ml (not eligible) or exceeding the threshold > 0 MPN /100 ml according to Permenkes 492/Menkes/PER/IV/2010


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    Pendahuluan : Kanker payudara merupakan ancaman serius bagi kaum perempuan karena kasusnya terus meningkat yang disebabkan oleh 70% karena keterlambatan pasien dan 30% karena keterlambatan dalam penyediaan layanan kesehatan. Pemeriksaan Payudara Sendiri (SADARI) adalah upaya deteksi dini kanker payudara yang sangat penting bagi kaum perempuan. SADARI sangat bermanfaat tidak hanya untuk deteksi dini, namun juga untuk meningkatkan kesembuhan dan harapan hidup pasien serta meminimalisir pengeluaran biaya pengobatan. Namun demikian, SADARI belum menjadi salah satu perilaku sehat kaum perempuan termasuk kaum perempuan di Komunitas Viadolorosa.  Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan kegiatan edukasi untuk meningkatkan perilaku SADARI sebagai upaya yang sangat bermanfaat untuk deteksi dini Kanker Payudara. Tujuan : Adapun tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan adan niat peserta dalam melakukan SADARI. Metode : Metode yang diguanakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah penyuluhan kelompok dengan menggunakan metode ceramah.dan membagikan stiker pada peserta penyuluhan. Hasil : Kegiatan ini sangat bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang anatomi payudara, kanker payudara dan faktor risikonya serta  niat peserta untuk melakukan SADARI