435 research outputs found

    Research on the System Design of China Enterprise Bonus Pension——Based on Institution Hypothesis of Labour Capitalization

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    当前我国社会养老保障体系为世界银行倡导的基本养老保险、企业年金和个人商业年金保险共同组成的三支柱模式,其中,第一支柱基本养老保险制度覆盖率很高,已超过80%。但是,我国养老第二、第三支柱却非常势微,其中,第三支柱个人商业年金保险一直存在边缘化现象,而企业年金历经十年发展却覆盖率极低,难以支撑起第二支柱的养老重任,必须有所突破。 鉴于此,本文通过对既有的劳动力资本化之学术观点及其论述进行评介梳理,基于本文新说——劳动力资本化之制度安排说为理论基础,提出“企业红利年金制度研究”命题,与现行企业年金制度双轨并行,加强第二支柱养老效应,并进一步对红利年金制度设计展开研究。 首先,结合古今中外劳动力...The three pillar social security system encouraged by World Bank is applied in China including the social security, enterprise pension and private insurance annuity. The coverage of first pillar (social security) in China was reported to be high, more than 80%. However, the development of second and third pillar in China is not very well. As the third pillar, private insurance annuity has been mar...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院_金融学学号:1562013015398

    Prediction of pediatric endotracheal tube size by measuring the subglottic diameter under ultrasound

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    目的:探讨超声测量小儿声门下气道横径的方法,并评估其用于指导小儿无囊及有囊气管导管选择的临床效果。 方法:该实验分两阶段进行,第一阶段探讨超声测量法用于无囊气管导管的选择,共纳入行择期手术需气管插管的6个月~6岁患儿45例,第二阶段探讨超声测量法用于有囊气管导管的选择,共纳入行择期手术需气管插管的6个月~6岁患儿40例。通过超声测量声门下气道横径选择气管导管;插管后视临床实际情况决定是否更换导管,至临床插管成功(临床最适导管);同时应用年龄公式法计算每位患儿的气管导管型号。以临床最适导管型号为标准,计算超声测量法与年龄公式法选择导管的准确率,并对其差异性进行统计学分析;分别对声门下气道横径、...Objective: To evaluate the clinical effect of measuring pediatric subglottic diameter under ultrasound for the endotracheal tube size selection in a pediatric population. Methods: The research included two steps. The first step was about the uncuffed endotracheal tube. A total 45 pediatric patients who were scheduled for surgery and undergoing tracheal intubation were enrolled. The second step was...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_麻醉学学号:2452014115357

    Design and Implementation of Performance Management System for Mobile Communications Industry

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    绩效管理在现代大型企业的运营管理中占有举足轻重的作用,其地位也愈发明显。 通信行业绩效管理体系的研发和使用能够解决大型企业的以下问题:运用先进的方法处理关键过程的管理、控制和评估。 主体内容的论述基于系统使用人员范围广泛、流程处理较为繁琐的特点,立足于系统设计、研发、实施,以需求的关键为基点,重点阐述了该系统的开发思路、目标实现,制度执行等。并将J2EE技术的B/S架构应搭建在企业的分布式应用中。通过J2EE多层体系结构,充分考虑了EJB和MVC模式,并以Struts作为参考框架,对绩效管理系统设计与开发的设计模式做简要介绍和分析。 通讯行业绩效管理体系的应用不仅能满足企业的需求,而且能...The effectiveness of performance of management is playing a more and more crucial role in the management of modern and large enterprise. And in nowadays, how to efficiently manage, control and evaluate the process of jobs of all the departments and the procedure and result of the situation of personnel’s work is becoming an outstanding problem in a large enterprise. So designing this system and pu...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323138

    Design and Implementation of The Bidding Deposit Management Information System for a Commercial Bank

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    自2005年以来招标行业就以迅猛态势飞速发展,与日俱增的招标量给招标工作带来了巨大的考验。为了提高招标效率、保证招标质量、减轻招标工作人员工作业务压力。招标公司从所面临的问题出发,借助便捷的互联网平台,成功实现了招投标流程中涉及到的招标、投标、评标工作电子化一站式服务,并以银行结算为依据,从资金结算方面出发研究并设计商业银行招投标保证金管理信息系统可行性方案,为招标、投标、评标中涉及虚拟子账户的开立、保证金存入、保证金明细查询、保证金批量退回等业务进行研究和设计。 商业银行招投标保证金管理信息系统的建立基于企业电子招投标系统和银行企业网银的成功搭建,其实现将企业电子招投标系统与银行行网上银行...With a rapidly developing of bidding industry since 2005, the amounts of bidding have multiplied every year. The increasing of bidding amount has brought the serious ordeal to bidding works. To improve bidding efficiency, ensure bidding quality, achieve full-year bidding target, and reduce job stress, the bidding company systematic studied the particular problems which were existed in bidding proc...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323126

    A Study on the Political Integration Function of the Communist Party of China under the Perspective of Network Politics

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    政治整合是政治文化领域的重要研究范畴,党的政治整合更是关乎党的执政能力建设以及推进我国社会发展进步的重大理论和实践课题,是政治体系存在和发展的重要基础。 改革开放以来,随着经济等其他体制改革的全面推进,我国社会逐步进入转型期。社会阶层持续分化,利益结构多元并存,各利益主体诉求表达意识日愈增强,各种利益矛盾也交织呈现。因此如何协调各方、解决好改革进程中的各种新情况和新问题,推进社会持续稳步发展,成为当前中国共产党政治整合所亟待解决的理论和现实问题。 与此同时,近年来网络技术的迅猛发展,网络问政作为一种新兴的、影响广泛的公民政治参与方式,已经成为当前我国普通民众参与政治生活、发表政治见解、表达...Political integration is an important category of research in the domains of politics and culture; particularly, the political integration of the Communist Party of China (CPC) constitutes a major theoretical and practical research subject associated with the construction of the Party’s governance capacity and the promotion of social development, as well as an important foundation for the existenc...学位:法学硕士院系专业:马克思主义学院_马克思主义中国化研究学号:3322014115219

    Research on the Student affairs administration of Sino-foreign cooperative University

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    中外合作办学已成为高等教育国际化的重要途径之一,中外合作办学学生生源的保持和办学质量对中外合作办学的可持续发展“性命攸关”;而中外合作办学学生事务管理不仅对生源的保持起着至关重要的作用,也关系到中外合作办学的办学质量。 中外合作大学是指具有独立法人资格的中外合作办学机构,是中外合作办学的主要形式之一,具有独立的校园和相对完善的基础设施,拥有相对独立的教学组织和管理,较大的办学自主权,能够成建制的引进国外优质教育资源。对中外合作大学的学生事务管理的研究关系着中外合作大学的可持续发展。 在运用文献研究对中外合作办学学生事务管理研究现状进行分析的基础上,对典型的教育输出大国英国和美国的学生事务管...Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools has become one important way for the internationalization of higher education. Student retention and the quality of Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools play an important part in sustainable development of Sino-foreign cooperation. Student affairs management of Sino-foreign cooperation not only plays an important role of student retention, but als...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:2572010115173

    The Analysis to the Image of "Female Hotshots" in GaoYang's Historical Novels in Multi-volumes

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    高阳笔耕三十年,创作的历史小说近六十部,两千五百万字。高阳的历史小说题材广泛,气势恢宏,取材从先秦直到民初,构成了全景式地再现中国古代社会生活的历史画卷。他的历史小说塑造了数百上千个有血有肉、栩栩如生的人物形象。塑造成功丰满的人物形象是高阳艺术追求的一大目标。在高阳历史小说的创作成熟期,他创作了三部多卷本长篇小说:被视为其扛鼎之作的“慈禧”系列、销量最广影响力最大的“胡雪岩”系列、以及最见考据功力的“曹雪芹”系列。在“胡雪岩”系列与“曹雪芹”系列中,高阳塑造了震二奶奶、秋月、螺蛳太太这样三位身处家庭之中的“女能人”。本论文以这三位“女能人”为研究对象,先做人物分析,从其外在表现及内在性格两个方...Gao Yang had written fiction for 30 years, and had created nearly 60 historical novels which are composed by 25 million words. The historical novels of Gaoyang have drawn their materials from a wide range, and their time is from the pre-Qin to the Early Republic of China, which panoramic reproduced a historical picture of social life. in ancient Chinese. His historical novels created hundreds and ...学位:文学硕士院系专业:台湾研究所_中国现当代文学学号:2005130263

    Conception Transformation from Shenren to Dixian in Taoism

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    道教神仙概念的形成是一个十分复杂的过程,探讨这一问题,不能不具体研究神仙概念由“神”回落到“人”这一重要的内容,对此,笔者分三个部分进行论述:其一,“神人”概念向“地仙”概念转变的历史过程;其二,“神人”概念向“地仙”概念转变的条件;其三,“神人”概念向“地仙”概念转变对道教发展以及社会文化的影响。 在第一部分中,笔者按时间顺序,以神话、仙话为线索分析道教神仙概念转变的过程。从战国至秦代神话的内容和古人探求长生不死的方式来看,最初“神”和“仙”的概念是一致的,强调的是神的先天不死性,体现为不同于凡人的“神人”概念,汉时的神仙思想发生了微妙变化,神仙逐渐变为接近于“人”的存在,道教创立后,东晋...This paper ponders over the transformation in the immortal concept of Taoism.In the writer's view , the formation of the Taoist immortal concept is a process of a “god” transform to “human”, specifically manifested in the “Shenren” concept to “Dixian” concept during this changing process. The writer elaborate this subject into three parts: First, introducing the history of the changing course from...学位:哲学硕士院系专业:人文学院哲学系_中国哲学学号:20040501

    The UK environmental taxation system and its implication on china

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    当前,我国正面临日益严峻的环境问题,而现有的环境税政策却不能发挥本应有的调节作用,环境税作为世界各国“一揽子”环境政策中的主导手段,急需在我国建立和完善。英国是世界上最早开征环境税的国家,也是拥有着最健全环境税体系的国家,在一个协调有序的环境税大框架下,各税种相互协调,相互配合,共同发挥作用。此外,英国的环境税还与管制,排放交易许可等其他手段配合,共同构成保护环境,节约资源的“一揽子”环境政策。因此,英国经验十分值得我们在未来的环境税实践中借鉴和学习。 文章主要分为四部分:第一部分是导论;第二部分介绍了环境税的概念及理论基础,其中着重介绍了公共商品理论和外部性理论,以及“双重红利”理论,它们...Resources and the environment are the necessary conditions for human subsistence and development. Now, with the rapid development of the economy, our country is facing more and more serious environmental problems, which will not only endanger people’s health, but also become an obstacle to the economic development. The state of ecological environment of our country has already aroused the attentio...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政系_财政学(含税收学)学号:1552007115006

    Research on Port Logistics Based on Supply Chain Management

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    随着港口在世界发展进程中地位的不断提升,港口物流业迅速被人们关注和重视。世界各港口都根据自身情况、所处的经济环境,运用现代物流理念、信息技术改造港口物流。特别地,随着制造加工过程本身的技术手段对提高整个产品竞争力的作用逐渐变小,人们开始将目光从管理企业内部生产过程转向产品全生命周期和整个供应链系统,实施供应链管理,建立供应链合作伙伴关系,加强物流、信息流、资金流的计划、管理、协调和控制,实现货物畅通流动,从而为用户提供最便捷、及时、高效的服务。 我国港口物流业起步晚,普遍存在着经营分散、无序竞争、资源利用率低、创新动力不足等问题,并且第三方物流、第四方物流、供应链管理物流、金融保险业参与的高...While port is more important in the world development process, people pay much more attention on port logistics. Each port in the world tries to use modern logistics philosophy coupled with information technology to reform their port logistics in accordance with port’s condition and economic environment. Especially, the technology method in process of manufacture to enhance whole products’ competi...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与海岸带发展研究院_海洋事务学号:3042008115144