Akumulacja kadmu i ołowiu w organach wybranych gatunków drzew miejskich


The concentration of Cd and Pb in leaves/needles, twigs, seeds and fruit coverings of: horse-chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.), yew-tree (Taxus baccata L.), European ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.), and in the soil at the base of the same trees was investigated. The ability of metal accumulation was determined in all investigated tree species as well as different partitioning in examined plant tissues. The lowest Pb concentration was found in fruit parts of all tree species: in seeds or fruit covering. The lowest Cd concentration in unpolluted regions was determined in leaves/needles or twigs. The highest Cd and Pb concentration in investigated tissues depends on the species and the pollution level of the place where plants were growing. The obtained results could be used to determine the most suitable organs for Pb and Cd biomonitoring in the environment

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