[[alternative]]On New Structure "Bu Cuo V"


[[abstract]]本文探討台灣國語「不錯」、「不錯V」的意義和功能,以及「不錯 V」和閩南語be7 bai2 的關係。「不錯」可分為「不錯1」和「不錯2」,其中「不錯2」受到閩南語的影響,產生新興結構「不錯V」。依照教育部公布的國語文能力指標,國語文寫作必須合乎國語語 法、詞彙的規範,教師應提醒學生避免書寫「不錯V」。[[abstract]]"The purpose of this paper is to discuss the meanings and grammatical functions of Taiwanese Chinese ""Bu Cuo V"" and the relation between ""Bu Cuo V"" and Southern Mm Dialect ""be^7 bai^2"" .Two types of ""Bu Cuo"" are ""Bu Cuo1"" and ""Bu Cuo2"". New structure ""Bu Cuo V"" is caused by the influence of ""Bu Cuo1"" and Southern Mm Dialect. According to ""The targets in Chinese ability"" (Ministry of Education), Chinese writing must correspond with Chinese grammar and morphology. The elementary school teachers should advise their students not to use ""Bu Cuo V"" in Chinese writing."[[journaltype]]國內[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]TW

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