Generation of Indian ink painting image from two-dimensional image data


Recently, non-photorealistic image rendering (NPR) has become the subject of research and development by many researchers due to a rapid improvement in computer graphics. NPR has been used for communication by emphasizing an image or to simulate existing painting techniques. In this paper, we propose a generation method for Indian ink painting image which is an Oriental painting technique from two-dimensional realistic image. In general, Indian ink painting has three kinds of drawing techniques, “Senbyo “ technique to draw only contours of objects, “Mokkotu“ technique to draw only the interior of objects and “Senzen” technique to draw both contours and the interior of objects. In this paper, we simulate Indian ink painting by “Senzen” technique. We extract the contours from two-dimensional realistic image and decide the interior of the object in order to generate the image which is drawn by “Senzen” technique. The final image is generated by combining the inner area of the object with the contours. We generated several Indian ink painting images by our method. The experimental results show that the proposed method is effective for Indian ink painting image rendering

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