Perceptions of product blogs in Taiwan


Department Head: Greg Luft.2010 Summer.Includes bibliographical references (pages 76-82).A survey was conducted among college students in Taiwan (n=314) regarding their use, perceptions and responses to blogs that discuss products and services. Predictor variables included prior use/experience with blogs, the motivations of blog readers (seeking knowledge/information versus social utility/entertainment), the effects of blogger affiliation (independent, employee of manufacturer, paid), and the effects of balanced versus all-positive language. Criterion variables included assessments of credibility and value, purchase intent, and the likelihood of engaging in word-of-mouth (information sharing) online and offline. Blog readers in the study were primarily motivated by knowledge/information seeking rather than social utility/entertainment. As hypothesized, assessments of credibility and value were positively related to bloggers being independent and using balanced (versus all-positive) language. However, no statistically significant main effects were discerned based on these variables for purchase intent or for the likelihood of sharing information with others. Notably, respondents were more likely to respond offline than online, and females were more likely than males to engage in information sharing. People with positive attitudes toward blogs also were more likely to assess blogs as more trustworthy compared to either advertisements or news. Hierarchical regression suggested that attitudes toward blogs and purchase intent were best predicted by a knowledge/information motivation, although independence of the bloggers closely approached statistical significance. Information sharing online was best predicted by motivation based on social utility/entertainment (versus product knowledge), hours of e-mail use, and blogger affiliation. Information sharing online was also positively related to both forms of motivation and to the use of balanced language. Implications for blog marketing, limitations and directions for future research were discussed

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