Work-life balance training intervention: motivating training transfer, A


2019 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Organizations are becoming increasingly aware of the consequences poor work-life balance can have on employees, thus encouraging many to seek solutions to reduce its negative effects. Current initiatives mainly focus on offering alternative work arrangements or improving family-supportive supervisor behaviors. Surprisingly, no studies to date have investigated the effectiveness of individual-level training programs that aim to improve employees' work-life balance skills. Using a two-between one-within design, the present study evaluates the effectiveness of a goal-setting manipulation on training transfer. Results show a significant increase in reported work-life balance between 30 days and 60 days post training. Although no significant effects for self-efficacy and goal-setting are seen, it is worth noting the effect sizes are large. Additionally, post hoc analyses indicate a significant effect of self-efficacy and goal-setting on transfer after controlling for number of children. Finally, post-training attitudes (i.e. intentions to improve work-life balance, motivation to transfer, and affective reactions towards the training) were found to predict transfer. This study contributes to practice by investigating the effectiveness of a work-life balance goal-setting manipulation on training transfer. It also makes an academic contribution by further investigating the mechanisms underlying why training is effective

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