Interference estimation with applications to blind multiple-access communication over fading channels


Includes bibliographical references.We consider the detection of nonorthogonal multipulse signals on multiple-access fading channels. The generalized maximum-likelihood rule is employed to decode users whose complex fading gains are unknown. We develop geometrical interpretations for the resulting detectors and their corresponding asymptotic efficiencies. The generalized maximum-likelihood detection rule is then applied to find a matched subspace detector for the frequency-selective fading channel, under the assumption of a short coherence time (or long coherence time without the computational power to track the fading parameters). We propose blind implementations of these detectors for nonorthogonal multipulse signaling on both frequency-nonselective and frequency-selective multiple-access fading channels. These blind detectors extend the results of Wang and Poor to multipulse modulation and fast frequency selective fading. For comparison, the minimum mean-squared error decision rules for these channels are derived and blind implementations of their corresponding detectors are developed.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Contract ECS 9979400 and by the Office of Naval Research under Contracts N00014-89-J-1070 and N0014-00-1-0033

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