Development of reduced polynomial chaos-Kriging metamodel for uncertainty quantification of computational aerodynamics


2018 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are a critical component of the design and development of aerodynamic bodies. However, as engineers attempt to capture more detailed physics, the computational cost of simulations increases. This limits the ability of engineers to use robust or multidisciplinary design methodologies for practical engineering applications because the computational model is too expensive to evaluate for uncertainty quantification studies and off-design performance analysis. Metamodels (surrogate models) are a closed-form mathematical solution fit to only a few simulation responses which can be used to remedy this situation by estimating off-design performance and stochastic responses of the CFD simulation for far less computational cost. The development of a reduced polynomial chaos-Kriging (RPC-K) metamodel is another step towards eliminating simulation gridlock by capturing the relevant physics of the problem in a cheap-to-evaluate metamodel using fewer CFD simulations. The RPC-K metamodel is superior to existing technologies because its model reduction methodology eliminates the design parameters which contribute little variance to the problem before fitting a high-fidelity metamodel to the remaining data. This metamodel can capture non-linear physics due to its inclusion of both the long-range trend information of a polynomial chaos expansion and local variations in the simulation data through Kriging. In this thesis, the RPC-K metamodel is developed, validated on a convection-diffusion-reaction problem, and applied to the NACA 4412 airfoil and aircraft engine nacelle problems. This research demonstrates the metamodel's effectiveness over existing polynomial chaos and Kriging metamodels for aerodynamics applications because of its ability to fit non-linear fluid flows with far fewer CFD simulations. This research will allow aerospace engineers to more effectively take advantage of detailed CFD simulations in the development of next-generation aerodynamic bodies through the use of the RPC-K metamodel to save computational cost

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