

博士[[abstract]]由於多媒體可以展示簡報的不同特性,因此它讓系統更生動富有活力。在網路間針對多媒體呈現技術的各種研究,已經漸漸頻繁應用在遠距教學系統中。在這篇論文當中,我們描述在網路多媒體系統上,呈現各種不同的多媒體,並且達到適應性教學的目的。在這項研究中,主要目的是提供彈性的方法以錄製一個課程或多媒體體簡報,除此之外,考慮到部分課程物件日後可能重新編排及重複使用。老師可以利用此系統去編輯簡報或課程,以因應各別學生的需求,幫助學生作個人化的適應性學習,這也是本論文所特別重視的研究目的之一。我們利用本體論的知識描述輔助我們達成這個目標。學生使用瀏覽器就能夠瀏覽老師的演講與投影片同步的放映,並且依據學生的學習背景、學習狀況、興趣喜好、時間限制等條件,作可調適性的播放。在我們的實驗當中,這個遠距教學環境相當充足。[[abstract]]More and more video streaming technologies supporting for E-learning systems are popular among distributed network environment. The Web’s Information Seeking System as the main provider of information is indisputable. How to provide a multimedia Information seeking support E-learning system is becoming more and imperative. In this paper, we provided a multimedia information system for e-learning. This system requires adaptable and reusable support for the modeling of multimedia content models and also supports possible interactive, transfer of streams multimedia data such as audio, video, text and annotations using with network facilities. However, we investigated these existed standards and applications for multimedia documents models such as HTML, MHEG, SMIL, HyTime, RealPlay and MS Windows Media that let us to find that these standards and applications models do not provide adequate support for advanced reuse and adaptation. Consequently, we proposed a new approach for the modeling of reusable and adaptable multimedia content. We developed a comprehensive system for advanced multimedia content production: support for recording the presentation, retrieving the content, summarizing the presentation, weaving the presentation and customizing the representation. This approach significantly impacts and supports the multimedia presentation authoring processes in terms of methodology and commercial aspects.[[tableofcontents]]Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Multimedia Adaptive Learning System 1 1.2 Motivation of this Dissertation 5 1.3 Overview of this Dissertation 7 1.4 Organization of this Dissertation 8 Chapter 2 Background Knowledge on Ontology-based Information Representation 9 2.1 Ontology 9 2.2 Adaptive Tutoring 19 2.2.1 Definition of Adaptive Learning System, ALS 19 2.2.2 Solutions for ALS 19 2.2.3 Learning Context 20 2.2.4 Related Research 21 2.3 Existing Models for Multimedia Contents 23 2.4 Related Implementation Technologies 29 Chapter 3 Ontology-Based Adaptive Multimedia Information Seeking System 31 3.1 Ontology definition for video-based multimedia learning adaptive system 31 3.2 Automated Presentation Map Construction 35 3.3 Multimedia Object Weighting 38 3.4 Multimedia Content Tree Generation 45 3.5 Adaptive Presentation Weaving 49 3.6 Dynamic Presentation Weaving 50 Chapter 4 System Architecture 52 Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 67 5.1 Conclusions 67 5.2 Further Researches 69 Bibliography 70 List of Figures Figure 1: Multimedia information retrieval model for e-learning 7 Figure 2: System structure of Protege (J.H. Gennari et al., 2003) 10 Figure 3: protege-3.1.1- SCJPLearn classe user interface 13 Figure 4: protege-3.1.1-Property user interface 15 Figure 5: Classes_and_Objects Ontology in Java Programming Language 16 Figure 6: First Level Classes_and_Objects Ontology 17 Figure 7: First Level OWL Classes_and_Objects Ontology 17 Figure 8: The Second Level Nested_Classes Ontology 18 Figure 9: The Second Level Nested_Classes OWL 18 Figure 10: Ontology for multimedia adaptive learning system 31 Figure 11: Keyword Ontology 33 Figure 12: Reference Ontology 35 Figure 13: Hierarchical Relationship among Concepts Objects 37 Figure 14: Multimedia Presentation Map 38 Figure 15: Initialize Weight Value 39 Figure 16: Set Weight Value according to User Query 41 Figure 17: Multimedia Content Tree 49 Figure 18: System Architecture of Ontology-based Multimedia learning adaptive system 54 Figure 19: Interface (1):Lecture Editing Tool 55 Figure 20: Interface (2):Concept Object Editor 56 Figure 21: Interface (3):Concept Object Editor 57 Figure 22: Interface (4):Concept Object Editor 58 Figure 23: Interface (5):Concept Object Editor 59 Figure 24: Interface (6):Object Editor 60 Figure 25: Interface (7):Object Editor 61 Figure 26: Interface (8):Object Editor 62 Figure 27: Interface (9):Object Editor 63 Figure 28: Interface (10):Lecture Editing Tool 64 Figure 29: Interface (11):Adaptive Multimedia Lecture 65 List of Tables Table 1: learning features analysis a for Related Research and our approach 22 Table 2: An example of labeled concept and keywords for slide item 36[[note]]學號: 891190042, 學年度: 9

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