Ořechokřídlec klandonský (Caryopteris ×clandonensis) zplanělý na Brněnsku


V srpnu 2019 byly v Rozdrojovicích u severozápadního okraje Brna nalezeny zplanělé rostliny ořechokřídlece klandonského (Caryopteris ×clandonensis), a to v ruderálním trávníku mezi chodníkem a sousední zahradou s mateřským porostem ořechokřídlece. Je to první nález zplanělých rosltin tohoto okrasného křížence v České republice.Here we report the first record of Caryopteris ×clandonensis (Lamiaceae) outside cultivation in the Czech Republic. In September 2019, about 10 plants, some of them flowering, were found at the southern periphery of the village of Rozdrojovice at the north-western outskirts of the city of Brno (south-eastern Czech Republic). A herbarium specimen is stored in the Herbarium of Masaryk University in Brno. In Rozdrojovice, the plants were scattered in ruderal grassland between a pavement and fences of the adjacent gardens. The source of the escaped specimens was a large stand of Caryopteris in the ornamental garden of one of the neighbouring family houses. Seedlings of C. ×clandonensis were observed already earlier at two sites in Brno next to the specimens cultivated for ornament. Therefore, this species has to be considered a casual neophyte of the Czech flora. In Europe, escaped specimens of C. ×clandonensis were recorded already in the British Isles, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Hungary and Italy. Further records of this species in the Czech Republic are quite likely because it has been frequently planted both in private gardens and public spaces, but its spread will probably remain limited due to its low competitive ability and assumed frost-sensitivity in very cold winters

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