Opinion on Options to Foster Health Promoting Systems: Expert Panel on Effective Ways of Investing in Health (EXPH)


The Expert Panel provides its analysis and recommendations on the following points: (a) What are the mechanisms for strengthening the implementation of health promotion within health systems, how can health systems incorporate, integrate and foster health promotion efforts and paradigms, and what policies need to be in place to make this happen from a health-in-all policies perspective? (b) As public health services and primary health care are operating in an increasingly integrated way, how can this joint approach contribute to action and implementation of health promotion and improved health literacy and how could this development be linked to social care? (c) What could be the success factors for further integration from a conceptual, organisational and financing point of view? And what are the main obstacles and challenges to address?Panel odborníků poskytuje svou analýzu a doporučení k následujícím bodům: a) Jaké jsou mechanismy pro posílení provádění podpory zdraví v rámci zdravotních systémů, jak je mohou zdravotní systémy začlenit, integrovat a podporovat úsilí a paradigmata podpory zdraví a jaké politiky je třeba zavést, aby se toto odvíjelo z perspektivy politiky "Health-in-all"? b) Jak veřejné zdravotnické služby a primární zdravotní péče fungují stále integrovanějším způsobem, jak může tento společný přístup přispět k akci a provádění podpory zdraví a zlepšení zdravotní gramotnosti a jak by mohl být tento vývoj spojen se sociální péčí? c) Jaké by mohly být faktory úspěchu pro další integraci z hlediska koncepčního, organizačního a finančního? A jaké hlavní překážky a výzvy je třeba řešit?The Expert Panel provides its analysis and recommendations on the following points: (a) What are the mechanisms for strengthening the implementation of health promotion within health systems, how can health systems incorporate, integrate and foster health promotion efforts and paradigms, and what policies need to be in place to make this happen from a health-in-all policies perspective? (b) As public health services and primary health care are operating in an increasingly integrated way, how can this joint approach contribute to action and implementation of health promotion and improved health literacy and how could this development be linked to social care? (c) What could be the success factors for further integration from a conceptual, organisational and financing point of view? And what are the main obstacles and challenges to address

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