Competition in Railway Services – Historical Experience and Limits of Contemporary Development in the Czech Republic


The question to be examined in this paper is empirical evidence of path dependence of the Czech railways network, i.e. the question whether a way of founding of a particular line influence its economic efficiency and in that way the potential competition of train-operated-companies on it? The study is divided into three parts, beginning by an outline of the most important principles of competition – the competition in the market, and the competition for the market. Further, eight ways of the origin of Czech railways is set out with regard to their present importance: it is presupposed that the way in which a given railway was established predestines its economic efficiency and in that way the potential competition for the market.Text se zabývá otázkou, zda způsob založení určité železniční tratě má vliv na její ekonomickou efektivitu a tímto způsobem i na potenciální konkurenceschopnost železniční dopravy v určitých segmentech sítě. Studie je rozdělena do tří částí: (i) principy hospodářské soutěže - konkurence na trhu a konkurence o trh, (ii) definice osmi způsobů vzniku tratí na území ČR, (iii) přehled a srovnání současných provozních výkonů na jednotlivých typech tratí

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