A programme for the Alliance


BACKGROUND TO THE ALLIANCE From Cosatu’s inception in 1985, the federation developed a close association with the Congress movement. Conditions in the country dictated the need to go beyond bread and butter issues to embrace national and class struggle. This perspective was formally endorsed with Cosatu’s adoption of the Freedom Charter in 1987. The 1987 Congress agreed Cosatu should build alliances with mass-based organisations with a track record of struggle and whose principles did not conflict with those of Cosatu. After the unbanning of the liberation movement, Cosatu’s 1991 Congress resolved that the Federation should join the ANC and SACP in alliance in place of Sactu, thus becoming part of the Tripartite Alliance as we know it today. It was understood that this Alliancehere put any information that you think is important but there is no field for it, if there isnt remove the fiel

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