
ABSTRACT Courts as part of the criminal justice system are used by litigants as a place to obtain justice by upholding a simple trial with a fast time and low cost. Judges in the process of conducting trials refer to the principles of trial examination. Some of the principles of trial examination are examinations open to the public and direct and oral examinations. At present, the corona virus pandemic (Covid-19) is endemic in the world, including in Indonesia, which also affects the implementation of trials in court which results in direct trial processes facing each other in the courtroom cannot be carried out.The type of research used is a type of normative research where the implementation of research is carried out by examining library materials or only based on secondary data. Researchers obtained research material through a normative juridical approach. The normative research approach is a legal research approach based on legislation. Conducted on the problem by referring to the side of legislation then appear literature or scientific work and doctrine (expert opinion).Examination in criminal cases with ordinary examinations, broad regulatory provisions, with the stages of court examination starting with the reading of indictments, exceptions, responses of public prosecutors, interlocutory decisions, evidence, requisites, pledoi, replicates, duplicates and decisions. Each inspection process is carried out face to face. However, this has changed since the Covid-19 outbreak, where the Supreme Court as the judiciary body issued Circular No. 1 of 2020 which is used as new in carrying out criminal case trials in court. Subsequently, a joint agreement was signed between the Supreme Court, the Attorney General's Office and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia (KEMENKUMHAM RI) regarding the Implementation of Trials via Teleconference. Based on this, during the Covid-19 pandemic, trials in cases were carried out through the Teleconference system. Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic, trial process, Criminal Cas

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