A virtual reality input device for sports-related rehabilitation


Abstract. This work entails the hardware design, manufacturing and implementation of a VR controller device tailored for people with specific sports-related injuries. The target case of this thesis is the tennis elbow injury, where the designed controller helps them interface easily to the VR environment that is designed for their therapy. The sensors used are carefully selected in order to adequately capture the therapy exercise movements related to this kind of injury. For example, the use FSRs (Force Sensitive Resistors) that are put on the surface of a test object helps to detect a grasp during the exercise. The hardware design and manufacturing was done for a VR controller device that would give the desired performance, using Arduino IDE for its software development. In addition to this, the design of the VR environment allowed for an immersive VR experience for the rehabilitation. An experiment was carried out with eight participants, where they were asked to perform two exercises that involve grasping the test object. A series of questions were asked to them as part of the experimental evaluation. The results showed positive indications about the participants’ experience

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