Is online distance learning compatible with student lifestyle?:assessment of program content, workload and long-time usefulness


Abstract Online distance learning (ODL) is gaining rapid acceptance in the educational system, and the level of student enrollment is massive nowadays. Although the adoption of online distance learning seems to be influencing students learning experience, the aspect of compatibility with the student lifestyle remains unclear and needs further research. This study employed a quantitative methodology to describe the relationship between the chosen independent and dependent variables adapted from the existing literature objectively and used structural equation modelling with SmartPLS for the data analysis. This study contributes to the literature on online distance learning and information systems. It gives a comprehensive understanding of how program content positively relates to online academic workload and how the long-time usefulness of online distance learning relates to the workload of online distance learning for the ODL students’ lifestyle. This insight shows the importance of program content as a determinant of workload. It also shows how the memory of the long-time usefulness aids the workload of the ODL. The study explains the theoretical contributions, implications and suggests future research

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