Strengthening Civic Commitment at Winona State University: Evaluating the Past and Celebrating the Future


Upon arriving at the American Democracy Project National Meeting Concurrent Session in San Antonio Texas, Laura Lake, Courtney Juelicj and Alexandra Griffin will be presenting along side Dr. Kara Lindaman, on the topic of Stengthening Civic Commitment at Winona State University: Evaluating the Past and Celebrating the future. In addition to the twenty-minuet presentation, students will be Leading the National Issure Forum delebrative dialogue, Shaping our Future: How should Higher Education Help Us Create the Society We Want? This session is a presentation on the National Information Forum that these students organized and moderated for in April 2012, in honor of President Judith Ramaley\u27s retirement. The students will also be attending sessions to enhance their education and experience in democratic processes and participatiion and to have the opportunity to network and learn from professionals in many different fields of their interests. Our faculty sponsor did not require a final repor

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