An initial access optimization algorithm for millimetre wave 5G NR networks


Abstract. The fifth generation (5G) of cellular technology is expected to address the ever-increasing traffic requirements of the digital society. Delivering these higher data rates, higher bandwidth is required, thus, moving to the higher frequency millimetre wave (mmWave) spectrum is needed. However, to overcome the high isotropic propagation loss experienced at these frequencies, base station (BS) and the user equipment (UE) need to have highly directional antennas. Therefore, BS and UE are required to find the correct transmission (Tx) and reception (Rx) beam pair that align with each other. Achieving these fine alignment of beams at the initial access phase is quite challenging due to the unavailability of location information about BS and UE. In mmWave small cells, signals are blocked by obstacles. Hence, signal transmissions may not reach users. Also, some directions may have higher user density while some directions have lower or no user density. Therefore, an intelligent cell search is needed for initial access, which can steer its beams to a known populated area for UEs instead of wasting time and resources emitting towards an obstacle or unpopulated directions. In this thesis, we provide a dynamic weight-based beam sweeping direction and synchronization signal block (SSB) allocation algorithm to optimize the cell search in the mmWave initial access. The order of beam sweeping directions and the number of SSBs transmitted in each beam sweeping direction depend on previously learned experience. Previous learning is based on the number of detected UEs per SSB for each sweeping direction. Based on numerical simulations, the proposed algorithm is shown to be capable of detecting more users with a lower misdetection probability. Furthermore, it is possible to achieve the same performance with a smaller number of dynamic resource (i.e., SSB) allocation, compared to constant resource allocation. Therefore, this algorithm has better performance and optimum resource usage

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