Legal Education: A More Optimistic View


While few would disagree with Dean Forrester\u27s statement that America is now in the midst of an attempted revolution, several questions naturally arise. Dean Forrester does not identify the nature and goals of the attempted revolution, but the inference is that he disapproves. One wonders whether he objects to change because it challenges the status quo; whether he disagrees with the direction of the proposed change; or whether he opposes the method, particularly the abruptness, with which change is being forced upon us. Each possibility merits response. Change Versus the Status Quo. It would be unfair to Dean Forrester to suggest that he opposes change for the sake of preserving the status quo. Assuredly he favors change that advances approved objectives and resists change only when it is mindless. The proper question thus goes to the merits. We must inquire as to the nature of proposed change and the methods by which its accomplishment is sought. Change as Revolution. Dean Forrester never describes exactly the direction of the revolutionary changes that he sees on the horizon, other than campus disruption; but it is entirely clear that he finds the prospect alarming. And so do we all. Since the former stability of the educational world is being increasingly challenged, those of us who were the beneficiaries of the unrocked boat must of course be concerned. But that does not make us automatically right and the challengers necessarily wrong

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