“Light is the normal course of events, darkness is only a temporary interruption”: Lessons from Lucy Thompson


Che-Na-Wah Weitch-Ah-Wah Lucy Thompson (1856–1932), a Yurok medicine woman, was born in Pecwan on the Klamath River in California. She is one of the first Native American women authors known for her book To the American Indian: Reminiscences of a Yurok Woman (1916). Written in Wiyot territory, in what is now Myrtletown, just outside the city limits of the City of Eureka. Her purpose was to preserve her people’s stories, and to tell the truth about the historical genocidal targeting Indigenous Californians. She also expressed concern for the continued stewardship of Klamath River. Lucy used her skills as a storyteller and writer to counter the false histories created by settler histories, to reclaim narratives, and portray resiliency through difficult times

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