The article deals with the problems of dating the Early Christian village churches in the area of the Salonitan metropolitan sec between the rivers Krka and Cetina. These buildings are often placed in a too broad chronological period, from the 5th to the 6th Centuries, or even rather late, in the middle or 2nd half of the 6'h Century. The formal theoretical and the practical material reasons arc enumerated, showing that the majority were probably founded in the 5lh Century or in the 1st half of the 6lh Ccntury. The above mentioned Early Christian churches generally underwent alteration, additional building and renewal of furnishing, as a result of which, dating, on the basis of isolated elements, is frequently too wide or too late.Obdelano je vprašanje datacije vaških zgodnjekrščanskih cerkva v delu salonitanske metropolije med Krko in Cetino. Ker sc te zgradbe najpogosteje umeščajo v preširok časovni okvir (5. ali 6. st.) ali pa zelo pozno, v sredino in 2. pol. 6. st., so v delu našteti teoretično-formalni. pa tudi materialnopraktični razlogi, ki nakazujejo, da so verjetno nastale po večini v 5. ali v I. pol. 6. st. Te zgodnjekrščanske cerkve so pozneje spreminjali, jih dograjevali ali obnavljali njihovo opremo. zaradi česar so bile - pogosto na podlagi posameznih prvin - datirane preširoko ali prepozno