It is very often expected from civil servants to respond to pressure and even to requests which are at the same time contradictory. In order to ensure a more efficient public sector, it is necessary to redefine the priorities: to treat human resources as a means and as an investition and not as a cost, to put emphasis on performance and results, not on the process and the rules, to encourage better performance and to differentiate between different talents and not to make equality based on equity, to assess and award people based on individual contributions in organizational goals and not to make assessments based on individual activity.... In order to fulfill the previously mentioned priorities, it is necessary for human resource managers, who are the carriers of those working processes, to be trained in the way that they carry out all those transformational processes, which are the prerequisite for transforming the existing state into the wanted state, with minimal effort and expenses. In this way, managers should ensure leadership in reconciling competitive demands, design the system for firing staff, balance the budget and at the same time retain the ethical principles and, in this way, adjust the traditional public sector to the 21st century system