Performance evaluation of wake-up radio based wireless body area network


Abstract. The last decade has been really ambitious in new research and development techniques to reduce energy consumption especially in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Sensor nodes are usually battery-powered and thus have very limited lifetime. Energy efficiency has been the most important aspect to discuss when talking about wireless body area network (WBAN) in particular, since it is the bottleneck of these networks. Medium access control (MAC) protocols hold the vital position to determine the energy efficiency of a WBAN, which is a key design issue for battery operated sensor nodes. The wake-up radio (WUR) based MAC and physical layer (PHY) have been evaluated in this research work in order to contribute to the energy efficient solutions development. WUR is an on-demand approach in which the node is woken up by the wake-up signal (WUS). A WUS switches a node from sleep mode to wake up mode to start signal transmission and reception. The WUS is transmitted or received by a secondary radio transceiver, which operates on very low power. The energy benefit of using WUR is compared with conventional duty-cycling approach. As the protocol defines the nodes in WUR based network do not waste energy on idle listening and are only awakened when there is a request for communication, therefore, energy consumption is extremely low. The performance of WUR based MAC protocol has been evaluated for both physical layer (PHY) and MAC for transmission of WUS and data. The probabilities of miss detection, false alarm and detection error rates are calculated for PHY and the probabilities of collision and successful data transmission for channel access method Aloha is evaluated. The results are obtained to compute and compare the total energy consumption of WUR based network with duty cycling. The results prove that the WUR based networks have significant potential to improve energy efficiency, in comparison to conventional duty cycling approach especially, in the case of low data-reporting rate applications. The duty cycle approach is better than WUR approach when sufficiently low duty cycle is combined with highly frequent communication between the network nodes

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