Analysis of the Value Chains for Root and Tuber Crops in Malawi: The Case of Sweet Potatoes


• Sweet potato yields have increased over the past decade partly due to introduction of improved high yielding varieties but yields still fall short of the potential. • Some of the factors constraining productivity growth include over-recycling of seed among farmers and poor agronomic practices due to limited extension services. • The release of Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (OFSP) varieties have contributed to decline in Vitamin A deficiency in Malawi, contributing to improved nutrition status. • Demand for sweet potato and associated products is increasing partly due to increased urbanization and vulnerability of maize to climate change impacts. • To improve Malawi’s sweet potato value chain, the following recommendations are made: significant investments in seed systems, irrigation, post-harvest, value addition and agro-processing technologies in response to identified market and industry needs; investments in research and extension on improved varieties, good agronomic practices, and pest and diseases prevention and control; and investments to link farmers, farmer organizations and processors through contract farming arrangements and scaling up of Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato (OFSP) varieties to maintain sufficient Vitamin A intake

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