Agriculture and Non-Agriculture Job Transitions in Nigeria: the Role of Information, Social Capital and individual characteristics


An understanding of dynamics of the labour market is a major economic issue that interests economists in developing countries like Nigeria but poses challenges in term of data availability and quality. In this paper, we made a good attempt to construct the required data using the LSMS panel data available in Nigeria between 2010 and 2013. To gain insights into how workforce move from one sector to another and identify key determinants of a worker’s decision to dissolve a job match and go to engage in another in another sector, we tested within a model if job characteristics, demographic variable, social networks, information and communication factors, space and time variables contribute to switching job from one sector to another. To achieve this, Nigeria LSMS panel data for both 2010/2011 and 2012/2013 were used with multinomial regression analysis. The empirical model results reveal that job characteristics, individual demographic characteristics, social networks, information and communication assets and locations do determine job transition

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