Jesus Christ liberator and pedagogy of the oppressed the common paths of Leonardo Boff and Paulo Freire


Abstract. This thesis is a comparative discourse analysis on the books Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire and the Jesus Christ liberator by Leonardo Boff. This thesis looks into the contextual circumstances of these two Brazilian authors to find out: (1) the common aspects in their discourse; (2) the common language used, and (3) their significance and relevant contributions — having in perspective the Latin American realities, as well as today’s mainstream discourses in the times of globalization. This thesis explores the dialogic relationship between the pedagogy of the oppressed and liberation theology — education and theology respectively — and the way they deal with issues such as poverty, oppression, authoritarianism, and all kinds of practices that do not foster and enhance emancipation, liberation, equality and the democratic participation of human beings

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