Characterization and Assessment of Vegetable Production and Marketing Systems in the Humid Tropics of Ethiopia


Vegetables are sources of vitamins, minerals and income for those involved in production and marketing. Having first-hand information about vegetable production and marketing system is essential to devise appropriate strategies aimed at enhancing vegetable value chain development. It was in line with this view that a study was conducted to characterize vegetable production and marketing systems at selected sites in the humid tropics of Ethiopia. Data were collected using participatory primary survey techniques augmented with secondary data. While the area cultivated to vegetables has been increasing over the years due to increasing consumer demand, average yields are far below potential. Major vegetable production and marketing constraints include: lack of access to improved variety seeds, high postharvest losses, lack of reliable market information systems, low bargaining power of farmers, low technological know-how for value chain development and upgrading, all indicating critical areas of intervention. Increasing public awareness the nutritional importance of vegetables will critically help in reducing malnutrition while increasing smallholder household income

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