Credit-Based Congestion Pricing: Expert Expectations and Guidelines for Application


Congestion pricing (CP) ensures that travelers recognize the true travel-time costs of their tripmaking by accounting for the cost of delays imposed on fellow road users. Credit-based congestion pricing (CBCP) is a novel strategy which seeks to overcome the negative equity impacts of CP by allocating monthly budgets to eligible travelers to spend on congestion tolls. Previous works on CBCP have surveyed public opinion and examined the traffic and travel-welfare impacts of an Austin, Texas, application. This paper develops the CBCP policy further, examining expert opinions and system cost prediction. Transport economists, toll technology experts, administrators, policymakers, and commercial interests were surveyed for feedback on credit distribution, revenue uses, public reaction, appropriate technology and configuration, enforcement issues, and system-wide economic, land use, and business impacts. The results of this work are detailed recommendations for CBCP implementation, including estimates of administrative and technology costs for implementation of a CBCP policy in the Austin region

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