Quality of honey processed and stored by honey processors and traders in the mountains of northern Kenya


A study was conducted in the mountains (Nyiru, Ndoto and Marsabit) of northern Kenya to determine the quality of honey processed and stored by honey processors and traders. Twelve processed and stored honey samples were randomly collected from processing groups and honey traders in three honey markets. The samples were analyzed for moisture content, total reducing sugars, apparent sucrose, acidity and Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) by applying the Harmonized Methods of the International Honey Commission or the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. The mean moisture content, reducing sugars, apparent sucrose, acidity and HMF values of 18.0%, 69.5%, 2.8%, 26.1meq/kg and 3.6 mg/kg, respectively met the Codex Alimentarius and Kenya national quality standards. However, with storage the acidity and HMF increased while the moisture content of honey decreased. In conclusion, honey processed in northern Kenya using simple straining methods and stored up to fourteen months was of acceptable quality and qualify for sale in urban and regional markets

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