Traversing digital-creative perspectives: preparing design and technology students for interdisciplinary work.


The project aim, as stated in the original proposal, was “‘to develop and evaluate a novel collaborative approach using inter-disciplinary curricula to enhance work-readiness of computing and creative advertising undergraduates. The project vehicle is a live brief for the university Computing and Art & Design departments to work with Wycombe District Council to develop a mobile and location-sensitive “Heritage Trail App” to interpret significant sites in High Wycombe”. The overall aim of the project has remained unchanged. However, as a result of the success of the first cycle of project work (undertaken in the 2016-17 academic year), the university was approached by Buckinghamshire County Council and offered an opportunity for a further client partnership to develop a ‘web-app’ to support the delivery of the ‘Safe Places Scheme’, an initiative to provide locations where vulnerable people may seek support when they are out and about in the community. This also allowed the project team to develop and validate the approach with a new student subject and a different year group during the second and final cycle of project work (undertaken in 2017-18). This time final year BSc Computing students worked in partnership with second year BA students reading Graphic Arts, Graphic Design and Illustration. The underpinning project objectives and their mapping to the original themes of ‘Call A’ are also unchanged and are as follows: (1) Align computing and design curricula to develop vocationally relevant collaborative skills. Maps to ‘develop[ing] curriculum innovations from interdisciplinary research, interdisciplinary professional practice …’ (2) Evaluate learning gain arising from an innovative approach to authentically represent interdisciplinary and collaborative digital-creative environments. Maps to ‘respond to employer demands for advanced skills or knowledge’. 5 (3) Analyse engagement metrics to: a) predict/reflect progress in learning and collaboration; b) flag need for supportive interventions; c) use for self-directed learning. Maps to ‘develop use of learner analytics for particular pedagogic purposes’

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