
Insights into chitosan hydrogels on dentine bond strength and cytotoxicity


Contemporary dental adhesives show favorable im- mediate results in terms of bonding effectiveness. However, the durability of resin-dentin bonds is their major problem. Materials and Methods: Preparation of 3 chitosan-antioxidant hydrogels was achieved us- ing modified hydrogel preparation method. Their effect on the bond strength to dentine both short term (after 24 hours) and long term (after 6 months) were evaluated using shear bond strength measurements using Instron Universal Testing Mascine). The SEM was used to study the surface of the hydrogels. The cell survival rate (cytotoxicity) of the antioxidants re- sveratrol, β-carotene and propolis towards Balb/c 3T3 mouse fibroblast cells was also assessed using the standard MTT assay. Results: It was found that chi- tosan-H treated dentine gives significantly (p propolis (68%) > resveratrol (33%). Conclusion: the antioxidant-chitosan hydro- gels significantly improved bonding to dentine with or without phosphoric acid treatment. The pH of the growth medium had a high influence on the cell survival rate of Balb/c mouse 3T3 fibroblast cells. The release of the antioxidant β-carotene would not have an influence on the pulp cells. These materials might address the current perspectives for improving bond durability.DDF fund of the South African Dental Association; School of Dentistry and Oral Health, Griffith UniversityWeb of Scienc

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