
An analysis of the current and future deployment of Information Systems and Technology at the University of the Western Cape


This is an archival work, not applicable today. However, it illustrates both the methodology that was taught at the time, and the quality of the work that was achieved by students at the time.In order to successfully deploy information technology and information systems, any organisation must have a strategy indicating where its business is going, an understanding of the information systems that will help to deliver that strategy, and the capability to deliver and exploit those information systems. It is commonly believed that UWC does not have a strategy (although we acknowledge that a draft document has been tabled at Senate since the main stage of this study concluded). There are relentless pressures to change the way that we work at UWC. Strategies will be needed at institutional and faculty levels, and new information systems will be required to support them. Much of our recent investment has been in information technology as much as it has been in information systems and services. These things are different, and it is the systems and services that deliver the benefits of an investment, not the technology

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