The Law of the Church in the Nullity of Marriage due to Causes of Psychic Nature


Introduction. - I. The principles of marriage, matrimonial consent and nullity of marriage in Canon Law. - II. The ordinary process of a declaration of nullity of marriage. The enhancement to the Code of Canon Law by the Instruction Dignitas connubii. - 1. Summary of the principal functions of the Dignitas connubii. - 2. Connections of Dignitas connubii to can. 1095 of the Code. - Ill. Recent Rotal Jurisprudence and the Dignitas connubii. - 1. Doctrine and case law. - a. Grave defect of discretion of judgment. - b. Incapacity to assume the essential obligations of marriage. - 2. Recent Rota! Jurisprudence. - a. Lack of discretion of judgment. - b. Incapacity to assume the essential obligations. - Conclusion

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