Acerca de la creatividad. "El Diego" y el lenguaje humano


The goal of this essay is to emphasize an analogy between language creativity and the inventive power of Diego Armando Maradona’s football. Accordingly, we develop some syntactic and semantic remarks concerning sequences like el Diego, in which there is proper noun preceded by a definite article. The essay tries to show that in these phrases the proper noun presents characteristics, features and properties of the referred entity. This process would show that the proper noun is recategorized as a common noun and, as such can hence be combined with a definite article.En este ensayo, nuestro objetivo es enfatizar una analogía entre la creatividad lingüística y la potencia inventora del fútbol de Diego Armando Maradona. Para ello, y a modo ilustrativo, realizamos algunas apreciaciones sintácticas y semánticas respecto de secuencias como el Diego, en las que un sustantivo propio está precedido por un artículo. Intentamos mostrar que en estas secuencias el sustantivo propio se asocia con características, rasgos y propiedades de la entidad a la que dicho sustantivo refiere. Dado este proceso, creemos, el sustantivo propio se recategoriza como sustantivo común y, como tal, se puede combinar con un artículo.AbstractThe goal of this essay is to emphasize an analogy between language creativity and the inventive power of Diego Armando Maradona’s football. Accordingly, we develop some syntactic and semantic remarks concerning sequences like el Diego, in which there is proper noun preceded by a definite article. The essay tries to show that in these phrases the proper noun presents characteristics, features and properties of the referred entity. This process would show that the proper noun is recategorized as a common noun and, as such can hence be combined with a definite article

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