Evidence-Base Practice: Screening for Depression and Suicidality in High Functioning Autistic Spectrum Disorder Adolescents


Research regarding assessing for suicide and depression in high-functioning autistic spectrum disorders (HFASDs) is very limited. An extensive literature review focusing on HFASDs was conducted, which resulted in adolescents with HFASDs are likely to experience depression and suicidality compared to those who are neurotypical or those not diagnosed with an autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) because of limited social and communication skills. These deficits put these individuals at risk for depression, therefore, suicidality. PubMed, SCOPUS, PsychiatryOnline. and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (C1NAHL) were used to research information for this independent study. Implications for psychiatric nurse practitioners and other clinicians are to screen HFASDs adolescents more often for depression and suicidality because of the complication of having limited communication and social skills as well as. difficulty developing meaningful relationships

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