Pedestrians behaviour at unsignalized crosswalks: comparison of results based on simulated urban environments with field observations


[Excerpt] Introduction: Walking is the cleanest mode of transportation on earth, but the it is still one of the most dangerous. Knowing the pedestrians’ behavior in conflict zones is an essential step to reduce pedestrian crashes. The methods for this kind of analysis pass through sophisticated simulation methods, such as the virtual environments. This research is a part of the project AnPeB, the first approach done to the pedestrians’ behavior analysis on a pair of virtual urban environments recently developed, comparing the data collected through their implementation with field observations. [...]This work is part of the activities of the research project AnPeB – Analysis of pedestrians behavior based on simulated urban environments and its incorporation in risk modelling (PTDC/ECM-TRA/3568/2014), was funded under the Promover a Produção Científica e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e a Constituição de Redes Temáticas (3599-PPCDT) project and supported by the European Community Fund FEDER and the doctoral scholarship SFRH/BD/131638/2017 funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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