Trials : 83C23, 83C24, 83C25, 83C26, 83C27, 83C28, 83C29, 83C29, 83C30 and 83C31
The growth and seed yield of harbinger medic sown under lupins.
Nitrogen flows from several species and varieties of legume.
The nitrogen response of wheat in the long term rotation trial at the East Chapman research station.
The growth and yield of uniculm and normal barley.
Seedling N from lupins for a succeeding wheat crop.
The effect of seeding rate, planting date and variety on the growth and yield of lupins.
Pea agronomy.
The effect of maturity, density and nitrogen supply on the growth of cereals on sandplain in a short growing season environment.
Lupins as green manure.
Wheat lupin mixture