
Partnerships in business incubators in Brazil


For business incubators installed in a developing country with continental dimensions like Brazil, it should act in a collaborative way to join efforts and share experiences the Brazilian incubation stage is marked by initiatives from different regions and particular contexts. The annual seminar of the National Association of Entities Promoting Innovative Enterprises (ANPROTEC) is one of the main events held in Brazil on entrepreneurship and incubation of companies in the country. The National Seminar on Business Incubators and Technology Parks annually gathers the greatest contributions of the different elements of the National System of Innovation Brazilian and allows the analysis of the evolution of the themes and the main trends in management and operation of the different incubators presented. The present study aims to analyze the theme of business incubators in partnerships in Brazil, from the analysis of papers presented at the Seminar ANPROTEC in the years 2010 to 2014. The 144 selected works allow the identification of incubators partnerships such as clusters, partnerships with educational institutions, research and government programs. Three main themes were identified: examples of partnerships, technology parks and networking, with the latter registering a growing trend of interest and relevance. At the level of the authors involved, as almost 80.0% of authors published only one article in five editions of the event, a low recurrence and co-authorship is perceived among authors, which suggests a new research development potential in order to understand how these related cooperations and partnerships occur in

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