
The lawyer’s role in family mediation: critical analysis to the Portuguese reality


A realidade judiciária portuguesa tem deixado transparecer alguma resistência à mediação familiar. Esta reacção, transversal a todos os operadores judiciários, tem também sido perpetrada pela advocacia. Muitas vezes, a desconfiança advém do desconhecimento de novos paradigmas de justiça. Existirá o receio de que o mandatário se possa tornar dispensável no âmbito da mediação. Esta sombra, por ser falaciosa, deve ser dissipada. Deste modo, urge reflectir sobre a intervenção do advogado na mediação familiar, enquanto mandatário de umas das partes O advogado foi, é e sempre será, uma pedra angular na boa administração da Justiça, sendo, por isso, imprescindível no âmbito dos meios de resolução alternativa de litígios (RAL). Almeja-se demonstrar que a mediação familiar e a advocacia se devem complementar e não antagonizarThe Portuguese judiciary reality has shown some resistance towards family mediation, as a method of resolving conflicts. This reaction, although common through all justice operators, has been carried out also by lawyers. Quite often, distrust comes from lack of knowledge from these new forms of justice. The apprehension may come from the idea that the lawyer becomes expendable in mediation. This fallacious shadow should fade away. Therefore, we should think about the lawyer’s role in family mediation, when representing one of the parties in the dispute. The lawyer was and always will be an angular stone in justice administration and, obviously, indispensable in alternative dispute resolution mechanisms (ADR). The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that family mediation and lawyers should be side by side, instead of antagonizing each

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