
Expression, purification and in vitro biological activity from human recombinant BMP-2 produced by a novel approach


Bone tissue engineering has been an increasing field of research during the last years. The ideal approach for a regenerative application would consist in the use of cells from the patient, scaffolding materials and differentiation growth factors. Bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) is one such growth factors with a strong ability to induce new bone and cartilage formation and has been used as a powerful osteoinductive component of several late-stage tissue engineering products for bone grafting. In this work, we aimed at obtaining high yields of human recombinant BMP-2 in a stable, pure and biologically active form by use of a new bacteria expression system that circumvents the disadvantages of conventional recombinant protein preparation methods and to perform a study of the stability conditions and functionality of these peptides in vitro in human mesenchymal stem cells and C2C12 murine cell line.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, FCT (PhD Grant to PC Bessa, to PC Bessa, SFRH/BD/17049/2004 SFRH/BD/17049/2004 ). This work was ). This work was also partially supported by the European STREP HIPPOCRATES (NMP3 also partially supported by the European STREP HIPPOCRATES (NMP3--CTCT--2003 2003--505758) and carried out under the scope of 505758) and carried out under the scope of European NoE EXPERTISSUES (NMP3 European NoE EXPERTISSUES (NMP3--CTCT- -2004 2004 --500283). 500283info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

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