
Social Network Analysis and the Study of University Industry Relations


The aim of this work is to give an overview on the development of theoretical concepts and methodological approaches to investigate innovation networks, in particular the use of social network analysis in the study of university industry relations. The structure of networks can be analysed through the lens of Social Network Analysis. This methodological approach is described and its fundamental concepts are presented. The paper then reviews the applications of this approach on the study of university industry relations. These relations can be considered as an innovation network, in the sense that the interactions established by its participants have more or less defined innovation goals. Different structures in the relations may result in different innovation outcomes, and the use of SNA may be particularly useful to understand differential outcomes. It is thus important to take stock of the knowledge concerning the efforts that have been made to probe the complex phenomena of university industry relations and, in particular, how approaches based on social network analysis have been used to understand it. This work is based on a review of available literature on the topics. The paper aims at systematizing the information and knowledge related to the application of SNA on university industry networks, highlighting the main research pathways, the main conclusions and pointing possible future research

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