On the relationship between subjective and objective measures of virtual reality experiences : a case study of a serious game


In this paper we present a Virtual Reality game related to Cultural Heritage. We contribute with an analysis of subjective measures taken from questionnaires filled by users after the VR experience, and objective measures taken from logs during the VR game. Specifically, we were interested on study data globally and in groups of user behaviour. Analysing data globally we see a high value of users’ subjective perceptions. Nevertheless, we found differences of subjective measures when splitting the Novice group. Specifically, the subjective perception of Strugglers is considerably lower than the rest of groups, and this difference is significant. Then, we propose strategies to provide a better experience to Strugglers. We also found correlations between objective and subjective data when they were analysed globally (i.e. without using groups), but these measures did not correlate when they were analysed using behaviour groups

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