ACWW: Adding Automation to the Cognitive Walkthrough for the Web (CWW)


The Cognitive Walkthrough for the Web (CWW) is a Usability Evaluation Method that can be used as an approach to evaluate a website. Unfortunately, the original formulation of CWW has been applied by researchers in the area as a set of a semi-manual processes, which have proven to be extremely time-consuming, and as with any semi-manual process, error-prone. This thesis presents a web-based approach to automate CWW, which we call ACWW. The automation of these processes implies, on the one hand, that researchers can reduce the amount of time dedicated to computing the results associated with performing various analyses. On the other hand, it implies that the accuracy of computed results can be improved. ACWW is available from Finally, ACWW has been mentioned in a paper by Dr. Marilyn Blackmon, a leader in usability research, at the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) in April of 2005 [Blackmon05]

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