Improving Compliance: Listening to the Patient\u27s Perspective


A large number of patients do not follow medical advice for reasons generally unclear to the health care provider. Significant morbidity and mortality can be outcomes of noncompliance. The purpose of this naturalistic inquiry was to study and clarify from the patient\u27s perspective, issues identified as influencing the ability to comply with provider recommendations. Data collection and analysis occurred simultaneously as a fluid process of organizing and synthesizing qualitative material into categories or themes that emerged to illuminate a phenomenon. Seventy-six percent of participants described themselves as 100% compliant though they did not take medications as prescribed or failed to follow through with other recommendations, such as lifestyle changes. Participants listed positive perceptions when the provider: related to them, listened, addressed concerns, and included them in the plan of care. The provider behavior of listening was important to patients but was not the only aspect identified with a potential influence on compliance levels. Unexpected study findings included connections between symptomatology and medications, control issues between patient and provider, and the patient\u27s perceptions of office personnel attitudes

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