
OpenAIRE dashboard for repository managers: from repositories for repositories


Poster presented at "12th International Conference on Open Repositories" (OR 2017), Brisbane, Australia, 26-30 June 2017.OpenAIRE is the European Union initiative for an Open Access Infrastructure for Research which supports open scholarly communication and access to the research output of European funded projects and beyond. Thanks to infrastructure services, objects in the graph are harmonized to achieve semantic homogeneity, de-duplicated to avoid ambiguities, and enriched with missing properties and/or relationships. OpenAIRE data sources interested in enhancing or incrementing their content may benefit in a number of ways from this graph. This paper presents the OpenAIRE dashboard for data providers which performs the realization of an institutional repository Literature Broker Service for OpenAIRE data sources. The Service implements a subscription and notification paradigm supporting institutional repositories

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