
Characterisation of Capsicum annuum seeds: cell wall polysaccharides composition and light microscopy studies


GLUPOR 3 - 3rd International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Chemistry Group (1st Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting)[Excerpt] The oil from Capsicum annuum ("chilli") seeds, abundant in the region of Mexico, is used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. These seeds were characterised by light microscopy using several stains, and the cell wall polysaccharides were extracted and analysed. The effect on the cells morphology of several different strategies (hot aqueous extraction, ethanol extraction, enzyme assisted aqueous extraction) for oil removal is also shown. Optical microscopy: The seeds were fixed with a mixture containing acetic acid, fonnaldehyde and ethanol. Sections of 5-10 µm thickness were obtained after dehydration in a graded alcohol series and embedding in paraffui. These sections were stained using the following methods: Sudan Black (lipids stain black), Safranin and Picro Aniline Blue (cellulose stains blue and lignin stains red), Premixed Iron Hematoxylin, PAS - Amido Black (Figure 1), Safranin and Fast Green, Coomassie Brilliant Blue R250, Toluidine Blue, Safranin 0. and Astra-blue (not shown). [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

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